Who is this site for?

Anyone that is within a few years of retirement or maybe recently retired. Whether you got to this stage on your own or with some help from a financial advisor, this site could be a good reality check.

You probably sense something or know that the ACCUMULATION strategies that got you to this point are very different than the DISTRIBUTION strategies ahead.

Plus, most of us want to be sure we can live our best life and many of us have not really thought enough about this.

  • I encourage you start by watching my video on the home page titled ‘HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE’. Then check out the content we provided to see what you may be missing.

  • Get with your Advisor and complete a very thorough review that leads to a game plan with lots of action items. Make sure your review and subsequent plan includes as many of the elements found in the videos and articles on this site as possible. If you don’t have an Advisor, get one.

  • I encourage you start by watching my video on the home page titled ‘BECAUSE IT’S ABOUT SO MUCH MORE THAN MONEY’. Then check out the content we provided to see what you may be missing.


You Need a Program to follow

Why do you need it?

Living out your retirement mistake-free may not be quite as necessary as brain surgery, but it’s close. The number one concern of retirees is running out of money. There are too many ways that can happen. So, you need a program. A system that identifies as many pitfalls and risks as possible first, then a plan to deal with them. The plan should address things proactively and be flexible enough to allow for contingencies.

How to prevent wishing for a do-over in retirement

It is essential to have a program that looks thoroughly and systematically at your entire financial picture. At the same time it needs to include an in-depth reconciliation of your finances with all your dreams and aspirations for you and your family from now to the hereafter. But that is not all. It needs to include expertise and input from a whole host of resources capable of addressing many of the life events and needs that retirees and seniors will face.

What should you do next?

You need to have a plan and a system. Whether you want to learn more about my program or check with your current advisor on this subject. Whoever you are working with, needs to demonstrate what makes them qualified to successfully partner with you for the duration of your lifetime.

The resources on this site are meant to help you learn and discover areas that could be critical to your success. I am just as happy if you use these for a reality check and find another solution to guide you through these critical years.


Click the link below to start learning more about me and Steadfast Wealth Systems.

Remember ‘you don’t Get Do-overs in retirement’

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Steadfast Wealth Systems